Early this year, Houzz.com published predicted trends in home remodeling for 2019. According to their article titled “32 Home Design Trends That Will Rule in 2019”, these predictions were inspired by a search through Houzz data, hundreds of home design photos, past articles and professional designers. Based on the information collected, consideration was given to six areas of the home: kitchens, bathrooms, living rooms, laundry rooms, exteriors and home tech. The original article is rather lengthy, so we have put together a synopsis of the findings for kitchens, bathrooms and living rooms. Hopefully these style cues can inspire you and your home renovations moving forward.

Living Rooms

Living rooms evoking senses of airiness and comfort are very much favored right now. We anticipate seeing a continuance of open flow and more movement toward comfortable, lived-in type materials. Top trends dominating living room design are:

  • Spanish style: Creamy white plaster walls, linens, wrought iron, large fireplaces and natural wood architectural elements are all a part of this popular Mediterranean influence.
  • Mix of fabrics: Goodbye midcentury modern furniture, hello softer, more comfortable pieces. Mixing various fabrics, patterns and textures help to achieve the widely sought-out ‘lived in’ atmosphere.
  • Custom wood wall treatments: In this modern evolution of the vintage wood panel wall, more pattern and style are being applied to create a focal point of warmth and higher-end detail.
  • Glass-and-steel room dividers and interior doors: This design feature lends itself to the trend for openness of spaces and allows much more light to pass through while maintaining some privacy and noise control.


To view the original article and all the details on Houzz.com, visit “32 Home Design Trends That Will Rule in 2019”